วันศุกร์ที่ 4 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552
วันอังคารที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Phimai historical park
The Phimai historical park protects one of the most important Khmer temples of Thailand. It is located in the town of Phimai about 60 kilometres from Nakhon Ratchasima province .
The temple marks one end of the Ancient Khmer Highway from Angkor. As the enclosed area of 1020x580m is comparable with that of Angkor Wat, Phimai must have been an important city in the Khmer empire. Most buildings are from the late 11th to the late 12th century, built in the Baphuon, Bayon and Angkor Wat style. However, even though the Khmer at that time were Hindu, the temple was built as a Buddhist temple, as Buddhism in the Khorat area dated back to the 7th century. Inscriptions name the site Vimayapura (which means city of Vimaya), which developed into the Thai name Phimai.
The first inventory of the ruins was done in 1901 by the French geographer Etienne Aymonier. They were put under governmental protection by announcement in the Government Gazette, Volume 53, section 34, from September 27, 1936. Most of the restorations were done from 1964 to 1969 as a joint Thai-French project. The historical park, now managed by the Fine Arts Department, was officially opened by Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn on April 12, 1989.
Pleng Korat, a form of folk tradition of the Thai Korat, is considered an alternate song between male and female that requires a great deal of singers' ability, knowledge, resourcefulness as well as wisdom. Its unique words and rhythm reflect very distinctly the culture of the Thai Korat. In this thesis, the researcher bases his study of Pleng Korat on the theoretical framework of Ethnomusicology in which forms, contents and procedures of both lyrics and rhythm are analyzed. The objective of the study is to observe the development of Pleng Korat from the past up to the present with the focus on ‘original' Pleng Korat which has become less and less popular these days. From the study, it was found that Pleng Korat has undergone some development and that its forms, contents and procedures have changed considerably. While singers' creativity as well as listeners' taste constitute one reason, the other reason results from socio-cultural changes within the Thai Korat community. More varieties of Pleng Korat are created to accommodate the needs of the community. Pleng Korat Kae Bon, which is sung to fulfil one's vow or to make a votive offering, and Pleng Korat Sing, a mixture of typical Pleng Korat and modern folk, are two examples of well-known new-age Pleng Korat currently being performed. Regardless of the changes, Pleng Korat still preserves its distinguished lyrical and rhythmic characteristics, especially the Korat verse and “O” rhythm. However, whether Pleng Korat continues to be popular or not depends greatly on each singer's knowledge as well as the particular artist's own techniques of singing.
Dan Kwian The land of ceramics, is located in Tambol DanKwian, Chokchai District and is 15 kilometres south-east of Korat City. Route No.224 Nakhon Ratchasima - Chokchai runs thougth the village where both sides of the orad are fulled of beautiful and astonishing ceramic shops.The moon River runs on the east side of the village.
Dan Kwian Litter ally means the by-pass area of bull-carts. As told by the people, years ago, people from variousparts on the side of the country, for example, Nang Rong, Buri Ram, Surin, Khunhan, Khukhan and down to khamer regions, who had travelled west-wards in their carts, would normally camp their caravans here at Dan Kwian, During their stops, the travellers or the merchants would collect the raw clay from the banks of the Moon River for making earthenware-pots, jars, table wares etc. Shapes and designs were copied in traditionnal way as the 'Kha' tribe who originally lived there. Many of those product wear taken back with the merchants and since the products from Dan Kwian had special charactoristics both in shapes and colors and also marverlous quality of tough, they became well know to all people everywhere. Today,the Dan Kwian products become one of the major export goods from Korat.The clay at Dan Kwian has a special marverlous quality of though, as said, ductile texture and color of rust which beyond comparison and the quality is fantastic.The clay is taken from the banks of Moon River, the place locally colled 'Kud' (Parts of the river banks that have been worn away or eroded then created an area of swamp-liked).The clay is also well known for its features as forming shapes, and on the firing process, it is not easily broken or bending,The very most special feature is that after the firing the clay will give out natural red colour which is belived to be iron oxide mixed in the clay.

Korat-style Stir Fried
Noodles, "Pad Korat"
The result of this recipe is a hot, spicy, thoroughly addictive succulent noodle dish. It might seem like you're adding too much ground chile peppers, but it's meant to be hot, and the chile gives it the distinctive color. This version is both sweet and spicy. To add some depth, you can add a tablespoon of tamarind concentrate to the cup of water. Use any greens you have on hand, we liked the way our version turn out, with bean sprouts and bok choy.
1/4 cup vegetable oil
3-4 cloves garlic, crushed
4 tablespoons sugar
1 1/2 - 2 cups sliced meat of your choice (we used sliced pork tenderloin)
3 tablespoons sweet soy sauce
1 tablespoon ground Thai chile peppers
4 tablespoons fish sauce
1 cup water
1/2 pack of rice stick noodles
2 cups fresh bean sprouts
2 cups bok choy, cut into bite-sized pieces
Soak the rice stick noodle in warm water for about 15 minutes. While the noodles are soaking, heat vegetable oil in a wok over medium-high heat. Add garlic, and saute until aromatic. Add sugar. Keep stirring until dissolved. Add ground chile, fish sauce, sweet soy sauce, and water. Bring to a high simmer, then add meat and cook until done.
Drain the noodles and put them into the wok. Stir-fry until the noodles absorb most of the sauce. Add the vegetables and stir-fry another few minutes or until your vegetables are cooked but still a bit crunchy. Enjoy!

Click to enlarge

After adding ingredients

Adding rice stick noodles

Stir-fry together

Vegetables read to add

Serve and enjoy Pad Korat