Wow, I like your blog very much. It's very creative. Did you get my question to answer since last week? If not please answer this within one week. Can you tell me how's Thai people are? What are their characteristics? What are their behaviors? How different they are from other countries?
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Wow, I like your blog very much. It's very creative. Did you get my question to answer since last week? If not please answer this within one week.
Can you tell me how's Thai people are?
What are their characteristics? What are their behaviors? How different they are from other countries?
Thai characteristics
A smile is a unique characteristic of Thais. Thailand has been known as the “Land of Smiles” for a long time.
Thai behaviors
1.Thai people just stay calm.
2.Hospitality of Thai's.
4.Thais like to make gossip.
Thai people different from other countries
Thai people speak Thai language.Thailand has Thai language.Thai people use Thai language for communication.